


Enter a valid email address (i.e. yourname@domain.com) The User Email field is required The User Email field is not valid. (valid address: yourname@domain.com) Email in use
Enter your password (it must contains at least one number and one special character) The Password field is required The Password field is not valid The Password field has invalid character
Enter your password again The Password confirm field is required The two Password fields do not match

Personal data and billing information

Enter your first name The First name field is required
Enter your last name The Last name field is required
Enter your Country (i.e. United States of America) The Country field is required
Enter your State's initials (i.e. CA) The State field is required
Enter your town (i.e. Los Angeles) The Town field is required
Enter your ZIP code (i.e. 90001) The ZIP code field is required
Enter your address (i.e. Main Street, 5) The Address field is required
Enter your telephone number (digits only) The Phone number field is required The Phone number field is not valid (insert only digits)
Enter your Fax number (digits only) The Fax number field is required The Fax number field is not valid (insert only digits)
Enter your Cell number (digits only) The Cell number field is required The Cell number field is not valid (insert only digits)

Additional tax information

Enter your Company name The Company field is required The Company field is required for VAT owners
Enter your VAT number The VAT number field is required The VAT number field is required if the Company field is compiled Not a valid VAT Code

Note per i clienti esteri

Le vendite verranno fatturate senza l’applicazione dell’IVA ex art. 41 dpr 633/1972 per i soggetti passivi comunitari iscritti al VIES
Per tutti gli altri soggetti sarà correttamente applicata l’IVA dovuta.

Senza iscrizione al Vies, l’acquisto effettuato da una ditta comunitaria presso un’azienda con sede in Italia, non può essere considerato, infatti, una transazione intracomunitaria esente dall’imposta sul valore aggiunto.
Di conseguenza l’operazione è rilevante, ai fini dell’Iva, nel Paese del fornitore e non risulta applicabile il regime del reverse charge.


Enter your Fiscal Code The Fiscal Code field is required Not a valid Fiscal Code
Enter your type of business (i.e. florist, wedding planner, visual, stationery shop, party favors realization, ...) The Business Type field is required The Business Type field is required for VAT owners

Shipping Address

Use the billing address
Enter your shipping full name Enter your Shipping full name, if you chose not to use the billing data
Enter your Shipping country (i.e. United States of America) Enter your Shipping country, if you chose not to use the billing data
Enter your Shipping state (i.e. CA) Enter your Shipping state, if you chose not to use the billing data
Enter your Shipping town (i.e. Los Angeles) Enter your Shipping town, if you chose not to use the billing data
Enter your Shipping ZIP code (i.e. 90001) Enter your Shipping ZIP Code, if you chose not to use the billing data
Enter your shipping address (i.e. Main Street, 5) Enter your Shipping address, if you chose not to use the billing data

You must accept the terms of privacy.
Proof that you are a human, put the tick above.

Not a valid VAT Code

Not a valid Fiscal Code

Not a valid captcha

Some fields you entered are invalid. Check those reported and fill them in correctly as indicated.

Some required fields are not compiled. Check and fill in those reported as indicated.

Unexpected error.

The two password you entered do not match.

Unavailable username. Pick a different one.

This Email address has already been registred. Enter a different Email address.

PageID   = 1197

PageName = register

PageCode = member_register